Illegal market

Extreme White Lightening Cream

Enforcement | 14/05/2024
"Extreme White Lightening Cream" contained the declared glucocorticoid clobetasol propionate and is therefore to be classified as an illegal medicinal product.
Extreme White Lightening Cream Read more

Prostapax Forte

Enforcement | 05/04/2024
Das BASG warns against the product "Prostapax Forte", because it is categorised as an illegal medicinal product (medicinal product by presentation) due to its claims in the advertising brochure.
Prostapax Forte Read more

Warning of counterfeit Ozempic® - Update 31.10.2023

Safety warnings | Enforcement | 19/10/2023
The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) informs about new developments concerning counterfeits of the medicinal product Ozempic® (manufacturer: Novo Nordisk A/S). The existing BASG warnings of 12/10/2023, 19/10/2023 and 23/10/2023 remain valid. The manufacturer's mailing is supplemented with comprehensive patient information.
Warning of counterfeit Ozempic® - Update 31.10.2023 Read more


Enforcement | 31/08/2023
The BASG warns against the products „StartLife StartDetox Mixed Herbal Powder“, „StartLife Coffee Life“, „StartLife Hagebuttenkräutertee“ and „StartLife Zitronenkräutertee“ due to the non-declaration of the ingredient sibutramine.
StartLife Read more

Counterfeit medicines - undeclared active ingredients in various potency enhancers

Enforcement | 27/07/2023
The BASG warns against potency enhancers seized in Austria that contain undeclared synthetic active pharmaceutical ingredients, such as sildenafil or tadalafil.
Counterfeit medicines - undeclared active ingredients in various potency enhancers Read more

TKTX Tattoo-Creme

Enforcement | 27/07/2023
The BASG warns against the product "TKTX Tattoo-Creme" because it has been classified as an illegal medicinal product by function.
TKTX Tattoo-Creme Read more

Deutsche Neuro Capsules

Enforcement | 30/05/2023
The BASG warns against the product "Deutsche Neuro Capsules" due to the classification as an illegal medicinal product by presentation.
Deutsche Neuro Capsules Read more

Crusader Savon Médicinal

Enforcement | 09/03/2023
The BASG warns against the product "Crusader Savon Médicinal" due to the classification as an illegal medicinal product by presentation.
Crusader Savon Médicinal Read more


Enforcement | 04/10/2022
The product called "Gluconol" is marketed on the internet as a supposed diabetes drug. It is classified as illegal medicinal product.
Gluconol Read more

Mysem Life

Enforcement | 26/08/2022
The product called "Mysem Life" is marketed as herbal mixture paste or Turkish honey mixture for men and women. However, it is to be classified as an illegal medicinal product.
Mysem Life Read more

Further inquiry note