Blood & tissue

WNV Risk Areas Italy - Update

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 27/08/2015
The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care has been informed by the Italian authority that WNV NAT testing will now be carried out in the provinces of Bologna (Emilia Romagna Region), Alessandria (Piedmont Region), and Bergamo (Lombardia Region) in addition to the regions already announced.
WNV Risk Areas Italy - Update Read more

WNV infection Hungary

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 26/08/2015
The Federal Office for Public Health Safety was informed by the Hungarian authorities that the first human WNV infection was recorded in Hungary, Fejer County.
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WNV Risk Areas Italy - Update

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 24/08/2015
The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care has been informed by the Italian authority that WNV NAT testing will now be carried out in the provinces of Udine (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region) and Como (Lombardia Region) in addition to the regions already announced.
WNV Risk Areas Italy - Update Read more

WNV infection Romania

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 19/08/2015
The Federal Office for Public Health Safety has been informed by the Romanian authority that the first human WNV (neuro-invasive disease) infections have been recorded in Romania. The affected areas are Sibiu county and Milova (Dolj county).
WNV infection Romania Read more

WNV Risk Rale Italy - Update

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 17/08/2015
The Federal Office for Public Health Safety has been informed by the Italian authority that WNV NAT testing will now be carried out in the province of Novara (Piedmont Region) in addition to the regions already announced.
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WNV Risk Rale Italy - Update

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 13/08/2015
The Federal Office for Public Health Safety has been informed by the Italian authority that WNV NAT testing will now also be carried out in the province of Mantova (Lombardia Region) in addition to the regions already announced.
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WNV Risk Rale Italy - Update

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 12/08/2015
The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care has been informed by the Italian authority that WNV NAT testing will now be carried out in the province of Verona (Veneto Region) in addition to the regions already announced.
WNV Risk Rale Italy - Update Read more

Chikungunya infection in Spain

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 10/08/2015
The Federal Office for Public Health Security has been informed that the first case of Chikungunya infection has occurred in Gandia (Valenzia region). Due to recent travel activities of the affected person (stays in different regions of Spain and France), the site of infection is still unknown.
Chikungunya infection in Spain Read more

WNV risk areas Italy

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 05/08/2015
The Federal Office for Public Health Safety has been informed by the Italian authority that WNV NAT testing is being carried out in the provinces of Milano, Pavia, Lodi, Cremona and Parma and in the regions of Emilia and Modena.
WNV risk areas Italy Read more

South-American Caribbean Chikungunya

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 01/07/2015
Documented autochthonous cases in French Gyuana, Gyuana.
South-American Caribbean Chikungunya Read more

Further inquiry note