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Searched for "active".
The marketing authorization holder has informed its supplied customers that results from stability data indicate a possible shortfall of the required active ingredient content by the end of the shelf life. The affected batch currently meets all…
Assessment of the Advisory Board on Classification regarding Lipid Control Pflanzlicher Fettbinder (German only)
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messages in brief
Due to a given occasion and due to inquiries regarding "innovations" in the field of traditional herbal medicinal products, the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care takes the liberty to inform about the current legal situation. The background of…
messages in brief
The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) publishes the following statement on "Calcium Supplementation and Myocardial Infarction Risk." It refers to a meta-analysis on the use of calcium as monotherapy for osteoporosis published in the…
messages in brief
On March 29, 2010, the delivery of generic drugs containing Clopidogrel, which used the active ingredient of the supplier Glochem Industries Ltd., was stopped for the time being on wholesale level by BASG/AGES PharmMed. It was determined that the…
Assessment of the Advisory Board on Classification regarding active+med Magen-Darm-Pastillen (German only)
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messages in brief
PSUR Worksharing - Europe adopts Austrian practice
Assessment of the Advisory Board on Classification regarding active+med Wund- und Sonnenbrandsalbe (German only)
Referenced at:
messages in brief
In January 2009, AGES PharmMed conducted the second customer survey since its foundation in 2006. As in the previous survey, marketing authorization holders of proprietary medicinal products were addressed. In contrast to the first survey, the survey…