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Searched for "active".
Safety warnings
Blood & Tissue
The Federal Office for Public Health Security has been informed that the first case of Chikungunya infection has occurred in Gandia (Valenzia region). Due to recent travel activities of the affected person (stays in different regions of Spain and France), the site of infection is still unknown.
Safety warnings
messages in brief
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommends new measures to ensure the safe and successful use of epinephrine auto-injectors. Introduction of new training material Patients should always carry two auto-injectors for safety. Measures at EU level…
messages in brief
On May 12, 2015, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced that - in accordance with Article 27 of Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004 - starting on July 1, 2015, the search for suspected ADRs published in the scientific literature will be conducted by…
messages in brief
As of June 25, Austrian pharmacies will be allowed to sell over-the-counter medicines over the Internet - BMG and BASG launch educational campaign
Sandoz GmbH has informed all supplied customers in a letter dated 20.05.2015 that deviations in the release of the active ingredient were found in stability tests for batches with the old shelf life of 36 months. These deviations are due to the aging…
Safety warnings
messages in brief
The Federal Office informs about recommendations of the European Medicines Agency EMA regarding a restriction of the use of new hepatitis C drugs together with amiodarone. Measures at EU level The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has confirmed that…
Beratung (Scientific Advice) V.3.1. bei neuen Wirkstoffen ("new active substances") 8.800,00 EURO V.3.2. bei bekannten Wirkstoffen ("existing active substances") 5.500,00 EURO 6) Anlage VII.1 wird wie folgt
Referenced at:
Situation on EU level and in Austria Several European medicinal product authorities are currently warning against the use of the "Miracle Mineral Supplement" products "MMS" and "MMS2", as there is a well-founded suspicion that they cause harmful…
messages in brief
Measures at EU level The EU Commission has released the emergency contraceptive "ellaOne" (active ingredient: Ulipristal) from prescription-only status. In doing so, the Brussels-based authority has followed the recommendation of the European…
Safety warnings
messages in brief
An inspection by the French Medicines Agency (ANSM) of the research service provider GVK Biosciences in Hyderabad (India) has revealed serious deficiencies in the conduct of bioequivalence studies for the approval of generic drugs. There is suspicion…