Messages in brief


Creating Accessible Package Leaflets

messages in brief | 01/07/2020
In an arbitration process, the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) was obliged according to § 14 of the Federal Disability Equality Act (BGStG) to request Holders of a Marketing authorization/Registration/Parallel import license to provide their Package Leaflets (PL) in an accessible format corresponding to the standard PDF-UA until 31.12.2020.
Creating Accessible Package Leaflets Read more

Save the Date: BASG-dialogue “Meet the Case Manager”

messages in brief | 30/06/2020
In 2017, we have received a lot of positive feedback for our first BASG-dialogue “Meet the Case Manager”. Therefore, we are very happy to announce your next chance to meet with us in person!
Save the Date: BASG-dialogue “Meet the Case Manager” Read more

The „RMS NEWS“ are back!

messages in brief | 30/06/2020
Also in the future, we want to continue to inform our applicants of marketing authorisation procedures with Austria as RMS with relevant news from the committees or exciting innovations such as the slot application via our eServices!
The „RMS NEWS“ are back! Read more

Erste COVID-19-Behandlung für EU-Zulassung empfohlen

messages in brief | 25/06/2020
Bedingte Zulassung für Wirkstoff Remdesivir, für Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren mit COVID-19 Lungenentzündung die Sauerstoff benötigen, empfohlen
Erste COVID-19-Behandlung für EU-Zulassung empfohlen Read more

COVID-19: Erinnerung an Risiken von Chloroquin und Hydroxychloroquin

messages in brief | 29/05/2020
Vorteilhafte Wirkung nicht belegt, aber Hinweise auf gravierende Nebenwirkungen
COVID-19: Erinnerung an Risiken von Chloroquin und Hydroxychloroquin Read more

COVID-19: Nebenwirkungsmeldungen

messages in brief | 30/04/2020
Only available in German
COVID-19: Nebenwirkungsmeldungen Read more

COVID-19: Warnung vor Risiko schwerwiegender Nebenwirkungen von Chloroquin und Hydroxychloroquin

messages in brief | 24/04/2020
Anwendung soll nur im Rahmen klinischer Studien oder valider Behandlungs-Protokolle stattfinden. Alle Nebenwirkungen sollen gemeldet werden.
COVID-19: Warnung vor Risiko schwerwiegender Nebenwirkungen von Chloroquin und Hydroxychloroquin Read more

COVID-19: Regulatory flexibility

messages in brief | 22/04/2020
Recent information about regulatory flexibility during the corona pandemic can be found here on the website of the BASG.
COVID-19: Regulatory flexibility Read more

Further inquiry note