Messages in brief


Electronic Application Forms eAF - new version 1.23

messages in brief | 30/07/2018

New versions of the electronic Application Forms (eAF v. 1.23) and related documents are available via the EMA-website (http://esubmission.ema.europa.…

Electronic Application Forms eAF - new version 1.23 Read more

Recall of drugs containing the active ingredient valsartan from the Chinese manufacturer Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical

Safety warnings | messages in brief | 05/07/2018

A batch-related recall of medicines containing valsartan, the active ingredient of which was produced by the Chinese manufacturer Zhejiang Huahai…

Recall of drugs containing the active ingredient valsartan from the Chinese manufacturer Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Read more

Request for barrier-free provision of information for use

messages in brief | 29/06/2018

The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) was obligated within the framework of a conciliation procedure pursuant to Section 14 of the…

Request for barrier-free provision of information for use Read more

Fluoroquinolones: summary of the public hearing of 13.06.2018.

messages in brief | 25/06/2018

The EuropeanMedicines Agency (EMA) held the public consultation on the impact of potential adverse reactions to fluoroquinolones, a group of…

Fluoroquinolones: summary of the public hearing of 13.06.2018. Read more

100. EMA Managementboard-Meeting

messages in brief | 15/06/2018

On the occasion of the 100th meeting of the EMA Management Board, it was not only a matter of efficiently dealing with an extensive agenda, but also…

100. EMA Managementboard-Meeting Read more

Announcement new registration page for eServices goes online with 20.6.2018

messages in brief | 08/06/2018

As of 6/20/2018, you will find a redesigned interface when logging in to PHAROS eServices. Please take note of this in your daily work. The login data…

Announcement new registration page for eServices goes online with 20.6.2018 Read more

Save the date - "Pharmacovigilance update"

messages in brief | 29/05/2018
During this event PHV experts of the BASG will provide  an overview on ICSR-Reporting, Signal-Management, the implementation of PHV-issues, as well as…
Save the date - "Pharmacovigilance update" Read more

Red Hand Letter on Leaking Syringes in Some GSK Vaccines

Safety warnings | messages in brief | 23/04/2018

Important information about leaking syringes with some Glaxo SmithKline vacc ines Affected vaccines: Boostrix, Boostrix Polio, Engerix-B, Havrix,…

Red Hand Letter on Leaking Syringes in Some GSK Vaccines Read more

Fluoroquinolones: public hearing on 13.06.2018

Safety warnings | messages in brief | 20/04/2018

The EuropeanMedicines Agency (EMA) has launched registration for the public consultation. The consultation will take place on 13/06/2018 at the EMA…

Fluoroquinolones: public hearing on 13.06.2018 Read more

A little more careful than others... How AGES ensures safe hemophilia medicines

messages in brief | 17/04/2018

World Hemophilia Day 2018

Hemophilia is a congenital, lifelong increased bleeding tendency in which a deficiency or complete absence of certain…

A little more careful than others... How AGES ensures safe hemophilia medicines Read more

Further inquiry note