Plasma and platelet donors
Section 4 (3) (1) of the Blood Donor Ordinance*) currently requires a hemoglobin value of 12 g/dL (or 120 g/L) for both sexes for plasma pheresis donation; no limits are specified for platelet donation. This value represents anemia requiring clarification for men. The presence of a symptom worthy of investigation means that the donor criteria cannot be met.
Accordingly, by decree of the responsible Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), gender-specific hemoglobin values are to be implemented as release criteria for plasma and platelet donation with immediate effect:
- for women ≥ 125 g/L
- for men ≥ 135 g/L
The hemoglobin determination must be performed before or within 15 minutes after the start of apheresis (plasmapheresis and thrombocytapheresis).
*) Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Labor, Health and Social Affairs concerning the health protection of donors and the quality assurance of blood and blood components BGBl. II No. 100/1999, amendment as amended: BGBl. II No. 188/2005 [CELEX No.: 32002L0098, 32004L0033], BGBl. II No. 217/2008.
Institute Inspections, Medical Devices & Hemovigilance.
Mag. Andreas Krassnigg
Tel.: +43 (0) 50 555-36410