Peritrast 300mg Jod/ml - Lösung zur parenteralen Anwendung

Recall | Medicines | 21/06/2024

The marketing authorisation holder informed its customers on June 21, 2024 that visible particles in solution were detected during stability tests. For this reason, the mentioned batches are being recalled as a precautionary measure.

Name of the medicinal product Peritrast 300mg Jod/ml - Lösung zur parenteralen Anwendung
Marketing authorisation number(s) 1-24112
CIP code 2802554
Marketing authorisation holder Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH
Manufacturer Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH
Distributor Grünenthal Österreich GmbH
Batch number(s) Batch, Expiry Date
2305411, 31.01.2025
2324311, 31.07.2025
Classification of the recall2
Depth of recall Pharmacies
BASG reference number INS-640.001-4780

Further inquiry note