Background: Pangea IV

messages in brief | 29/09/2011

The BMF, BMI, BMG and BASG participated in this year's action week. The operation took place this year from 20.09. to 29.09.2011. A total of 84 countries participated in the organized action.


The aim was to simultaneously and in a coordinated manner access illegal websites through which counterfeit medicines are distributed and to monitor other Internet distribution channels. Police, customs and national drug agencies focused on Internet service providers (ISPs), the storage and shipping centers of illegal drugs, and various electronic payment systems.


The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) seized 1,391 packages of illegal medicinal products during the campaign week. These medicines contained an active pharmaceutical ingredient in a harmless-looking 'dietary supplement'. The seizures of the goods also halted Internet sales. Criminal proceedings have already been initiated. Since many websites that serve as hubs for Internet sales have a .at extension, proceedings to revoke such identifiers for the respective distributors have also been initiated throughout Austria.


BASG urgently warns consumers against buying pharmaceuticals over the Internet.


Further information:Press release (29.09.2011)Drug counterfeiting warnings by BASGeinsam gegenArzneimittelfälungen! - A campaign of the BASG


Inquiries:Federal Office for Safety in Health CareEnforcementE-mail:


Further inquiry note