Veterinary medicines

Kexxtone 32.4 g continuous-release intraruminal device for cattle. Monensin

Safety warnings | Veterinary Medicines | 19/06/2024
Important information from the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care concerning the suspension of the marketing authorization and the recall of all batches of the veterinary medicinal product "Kexxtone 32.4 g continuous-release intraruminal device for cattle. Monensin"
Kexxtone 32.4 g continuous-release intraruminal device for cattle. Monensin Read more

Kexxtone 32,4 g Intraruminales System mit kontinuierlicher Freigabe für Rinder. Monensin

Recall | Veterinary Medicines | 31/05/2024
Recall due to possible lack of efficacy and unintentional ingestion in non-target species
Kexxtone 32,4 g Intraruminales System mit kontinuierlicher Freigabe für Rinder. Monensin Read more

Semintra 4 mg/ml Lösung zum Eingeben für Katzen

Recall | Veterinary Medicines | 20/02/2024
Recall due to deviations from the specified values regarding appearance and pH value
Semintra 4 mg/ml Lösung zum Eingeben für Katzen Read more

Notification of pet products under Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6

messages in brief | 30/11/2023
With the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, medicinal products for certain pet animals, which were previously not subject to a marketing authorization requirement under Section 7(4) of the AMG, may now only be marketed in Germany if they have been notified to the BASG.
Notification of pet products under Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 Read more

RenuTend Injektionssuspension für Pferde

Recall | Veterinary Medicines | 02/10/2023
Recall due to deviations from the manufacturing protocol
RenuTend Injektionssuspension für Pferde Read more

Semintra 4mg/ml – Lösung zum Eingeben für Katzen

Recall | Veterinary Medicines | 11/09/2023
Recall due to deviations from the specified values regarding appearance and pH value
Semintra 4mg/ml – Lösung zum Eingeben für Katzen Read more

Ivomec-P 18,7 mg/g Paste zum Eingeben für Pferde

Recall | Veterinary Medicines | 18/07/2023
Recall due to temperature exceedance during transport
Ivomec-P 18,7 mg/g Paste zum Eingeben für Pferde Read more

Semintra 10 mg/ml Lösung zum Eingeben für Katzen

Recall | Veterinary Medicines | 10/07/2023
Recall due to an undercutting of the pH value and formation of a precipitate
Semintra 10 mg/ml Lösung zum Eingeben für Katzen Read more

Further inquiry note