Messages in brief


First marketing authorisation of a COVID-19 Vaccine (BioNTech)

messages in brief | 22/12/2020
Based on the recommendation by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Commission issued the marketing authorisation for the COVID-19 vaccine Comirnaty (BioNTech).
First marketing authorisation of a COVID-19 Vaccine (BioNTech) Read more

COVID-19 vaccines: reporting of side effects or lack of effect

messages in brief | 18/12/2020
In Austria, adverse reactions can be voluntarily reported directly to the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) by patients as well as their relatives.
COVID-19 vaccines: reporting of side effects or lack of effect Read more

Accessible Patient Information leaflet

messages in brief | 17/12/2020
Due to current events, FAQ No. 2 on accessible information for use has been revised, to better reflect the current approach.
Accessible Patient Information leaflet Read more

Project Monitoring of advertising material for medicinal products in 2020

messages in brief | 09/12/2020
In order to monitor the advertising regulations according to the regulations of the Austrian Medicines Act, advertising is always checked to ensure that it complies with the legal requirements.
Project Monitoring of advertising material for medicinal products in 2020 Read more

Warnung vor Chlordioxidlösungen (MMS, CDS, CDL)

messages in brief | 10/11/2020
Keine Wirkung gegen COVID-19 und begründeter Verdacht auf schädliche Wirkungen.
Warnung vor Chlordioxidlösungen (MMS, CDS, CDL) Read more

Information on excipients in homeopathic medicinal products

messages in brief | 22/10/2020
Excipients used in the manufacture of active ingredients (such as lactose, whey, sucrose, honey, ethanol, glycerol) that may be present in trace amounts in the finished product have been re-evaluated according to the Excipients guideline and no longer need to be mentioned in the product information if they are less than or equal to a certain threshold. Above this threshold, a listing in FI and GI is required and the corresponding warnings must be mentioned in the product information.
Information on excipients in homeopathic medicinal products Read more

Position Paper Distribution Restrictions

messages in brief | 05/10/2020
The new position paper focuses on managing supply bottlenecks by improving processes and transparency and serves to clarify the role of players in the distribution chain.
Position Paper Distribution Restrictions Read more

Current issue of "RMS NEWS"

messages in brief | 29/09/2020
This issue of RMS NEWS again contains current and relevant news for our applicants for marketing authorisations with Austria as RMS.
Current issue of "RMS NEWS" Read more

BREXIT – current challenges for Marketing Authorisation Holders

messages in brief | 29/09/2020
In the following cases Marketing Authorisation Holders/Holders of a Registration need to act, these tasks have to be finalised until 31.12.2020.
BREXIT – current challenges for Marketing Authorisation Holders Read more

Further inquiry note