Warning about ZDOROV Propolis Cream

Enforcement | 21/09/2017

Situation at EU level and in Austria

In several EU countries, illegal and untested medicines are being offered for sale under the name ZDOROV Propolis Cream on supposedly trustworthy but ultimately fake Internet sites. In doing so, the perpetrators use, among other things, a fake Internet site modeled on the homepage of the Austrian as well as the German Ministry of Health. This is to lull consumers into additional security.

With the product ZDOROV Propolis Cream it acts around one the presentation after illegal medicament. Contrary to what is claimed, neither clinical studies nor a marketing authorization are available. In addition, neither the effectiveness can be proven, nor the harmlessness or safety can be guaranteed. The ingredients are currently unknown. The analyses and criminal investigations are currently underway. The perpetrators are believed to be in the Baltic States.

BASG recommendations: The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care/AGES Medical Market Surveillance urgently warns patients against the use of ZDOROV Propolis Cream. The preparation, apart from a high price, does not seem to have any effect and its use may lead to health hazards.

This warning also applies to several, changing sales pages, where the user, after visiting the above-mentioned fake pages, is redirected to order.


NOTE - ORF TVthek "konkret" from October 13, 2017: Fake websites.

What has now happened to the Federal Ministry of Health and Women is hard to beat in audacity: Under the cover of the - of course fake - website of the ministry, an alleged "miracle cream" was distributed. (Online until October 20, 2017)


Further inquiry note