Lomaherpan Fieberblasen-Creme

Recall | Medicines | 21/10/2021

The distribution partner NextPharma Logistics GmbH informed its customers on October 19, 2021 that due to a deviation in the active ingredient content, the mentioned batches are recalled as a precautionary measure.

Name of the medicinal product Lomaherpan Fieberblasen-Creme
Marketing authorisation number(s) 1--19337
CIP code 1255966
Marketing authorisation holder InfectoPharm Arzneimittel und Consilium GmbH
Distributor NextPharma Logistics GmbH
Batch number(s) Batches, Expiry Date
R041901.1, 03.2022
R041901.2, 03.2022
R061905.1, 05.2022
Classification of the recall2
Depth of recall Pharmacies
BASG reference number INS-640.001-3657

Further inquiry note