Lactulose-MIP 650 mg/ml Lösung zum Einnehmen

Recall | Medicines | 10/06/2022

The marketing authorisation holder informed its customers on June 10, 2022, that unexpected results were observed in an unofficial method for testing for microbial contamination. The result could not be confirmed neither in release tests nor in retesting using the approved methods. Nevertheless, the affected batches are recalled as a precautionary measure.

Name of the medicinal product Lactulose-MIP 650 mg/ml Lösung zum Einnehmen
Marketing authorisation number(s) 1-25932
CIP code 2479679 (200 ml)
2479691 (1000 ml)
Marketing authorisation holder MIP Pharma Austria GmbH
Batch number(s) 3139208, 3132208
Expiry date 09/30/2024
Classification of the recall2
Depth of recall Pharmacies
BASG reference number INS-640.001-3901

Further inquiry note