Cryos International - Donor JASPER

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 22/10/2020

The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care has been informed by the Danish authority that it has been informed by the Danish tissue bank Cryos International (DK257551) that a child has become ill in connection with the donation of the sperm donor JASPER.

The child was born with the recessive hereditary disease Zellweger syndrome. Since the donor is a carrier of this hereditary disease, the donor gametes were blocked. Sperm donations from this donor (including embryos) may continue to be used exclusively for siblings - but only if the parents have been informed in writing and have confirmed that they accept the risk.

If you have any questions, please contact the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care or directly the tissue bank from which the sperm donation was obtained. This letter corresponds to the current information status of the BASG. As soon as further information is available, it will be announced.


Further inquiry note